I’m The Invisible Teacher.

Not by choice, but I’m sure you’ll agree that remaining anonymous when working in a UK secondary school is the best option, right? My hope is to get you organised to benefit your mental health.

Every teacher has had some passion for their job at some point. I bet you are here because you feel overwhelmed with the current climate in schools and the pressure that it brings to every avenue of your life. If you want to be healthy in your body and mind, you need to find some balance.

Have you ever felt like you are running out of time?

Have you ever felt like you can’t say you have to go when a department or whole-school meeting is running over?

Are you a ‘yes’ person to the detriment of your mental health?

Are you a ‘yes’ person to the detriment of your relationship with your children?

Are you spending time with your loved ones but thinking about your endless marking pile or lesson planning?

I’m going to guess that you answered yes to pretty much all of them! In that case, take a look at our blogs, handy FREE printables, quick and simple recipes and support on our forums to get that balance back.

Remember, you may be a teacher, but you are very much a human being first.